
Nothing and Everything has changed



6 Years
Extra large
07-06-2015, 01:34 AM
Voltage sobbed hard and freely into his stiff shoulder, as one of glaciers paws moved to place gently against his brothers back, holding voltage to him and creating a bubble of safety and security around them. It was the only move that showed he was still alive in there, capable of emotion and thought and warmth despite the icy exterior that had settled over the giant. To glaciers single word, voltage would drop many. A jumble of words, stammered and pushed out past his tears. Glacier didn't lesson or move his grip from voltage, but a single tremor would run the course of his body in response to voltages explanation. He had no idea who orchid was but could only conclude this orchid was a party to the 'we' voltage had originally spoken of.

He had forgotten about sere in light of these words, but his conclusion would prove right as voltage mentioned their sister. She had indeed been at the volcano waiting for voltage, and he would flinch as voltage mentioned their fiery sister running off in search of their murdered parents. His first reaction was to run after her, they didn't know why had happened and if the danger was still out there. He stifled the urge, knowing with the lead the fire girl had on him there was nothing he could do he could arrive only at the conclusion of what might go down there. His only use now could be here with voltage, his brother, all of their siblings, would need him. His lip pulled, another miniscule reaction to voltages title wave to show a fierce, burning anger. "Who." It would be the only word he could force past the ice that had formed around him. That had formed between himself and his heart, blocked him off from the outside world. His best guess was that voltage didn't know who but if there was even the slightest touch more insight he could gather he would reach for it. His breathing would be rhythmic and steady, his face hard and unyielding but his eyes, his eyes where fire. Voltage spoke of foul play, of murder that meant this was no tragic accident but that this had been done to them. Glacier vowed he would get to the bottom of it, it might well take him years, but that was the difference between a cold anger and a hot one, it wouldn't weaken over the ageas, he had time to wait and learn.
If voltage thought at ll that the coldness emitting from glacier was stronger and more stifling then ever seen before, or that the fire in his eyes burned too hot, or his single, emotionless words too distance, he gave no sign.