
The Rhythm of the World


04-05-2013, 10:20 PM

To lustful, trained eyes, she appeared very much beautiful. Then again, almost anyone without family jewels was beautiful to him. It was hard to imagine how any female could ever be displeasing to the eye. He remembered his youth, when he'd first noted the beauty of a woman. That woman had been his aunt, or perhaps she was not the first, he couldn't rightly remember - or didn't care to. The alabaster male would shift his weight slightly as she appeared to look him over, and he tilted his chin ever so slightly to show himself in a better light - although most light was good considering how handsome he was. A smirk played across his features and remained there, rightfully so, as he very casually posed for the dame. She crouched and offered words that showed her tentative nature. Oh he did love the reluctant ones.

Well darling let me be the first to tell you this is not the place for someone like yourself to linger long. Have you any idea what goes on here? His words were not chastising or stern in any fashion, but rather.. filled with some sort of mock-concern that seemed genuine at the time. Fierce battles rage here, I should hate to see you swept up in one. Feigning concern or compassion was one of his greatest tactics, and one he used quite often indeed. This would be no exception as he swept upward and onto his paws, taking a tight circle around her. I have been here a short time, but I know a bit about some of the packs. I could tell you, if you like? Generosity, it always worked. He wondered if he would be able to persuade her into joining Ludicael, she seemed eager enough to learn of the packs, and he felt as if he might have an advantage what with her cautious behavior. There was always the chance she would go with him simply for fear of rejecting him.

Without waiting for an answer, Marvel sat back down and began to speak. His tone held an air of superiority, of knowledge. There is a large pack, Valhalla in the southwest, a Kingdom in the south, a darker pack in the east, and a feminized pack.. though I don't remember where they are located.. and then there's Ludicael. Oh, darling, there's no greater pack than Ludicael. He would cease to drone on, allowing the suspense to grow in her mind. If he made her wait, made her ask the questions, she would be more likely to grow interested and eventually come back with him. In all honesty he had no way of knowing if he even had the right to go about inviting members, but at the current time - in front of this beautiful dame - he honestly didn't care. Jupiter had said herself she didn't care what her members did as long as they didn't bring trouble to Ludicael. Marvel could hardly believe that this girl would be considered trouble.
