
Nothing and Everything has changed



6 Years
07-06-2015, 02:15 AM
He would nod slightly, which was rather difficult when you had your forehead pressed against something, but somehow he managed something like a nodding motion. Glacier was here, he was always here, and nothing in heaven, hell or earth could manage to tear his icy brother away from him. Not for too long anyways. They seem to have the common knowledge that if one were to go, the other wouldn't be too far behind. It was morbid, but they had always been together. And he'd pull his head away to look at the distance, to take in the horizon and breathe in his home's scents. His family was all here, everyone...except for Sere. And he'd sigh softly, lowering his head so he could rub at his eyes with his paws, all while still in the ever loving embrace of his brother. "S-sere...will come home." He said, as if promising himself over Glacier. "When she's ready." He'd nod slowly, knowing his sister just needed to see it for herself. She'd probably go on some vigilante mission, but Voltage hoped that whoever had done...that to their parents didn't extend the wish to do so to him and his siblings.

When Glacier asked who Orchid was, Voltage couldn't help a sad, small laugh from bubbling up. He'd scratch at his eye slightly before sniffling. "Orchid is um.." He'd smile softly, trying to keep it all down. It didn't do him well to cry. It was spring, he was now five....holy crap he was old! Too old to cry. "Terrae's new teacher." He'd grin then, toothy but not quite holding the energy behind it that it usually had.  "We met her before we got to the island. She's really good at healing, and she seems sweet." He'd say with a nod, looking out at the horizon. "I'm ah...glad to see the place didn't burn down. Anything...anything new?" He asked softly, looking back up at Glacier.

"Burn Baby Burn"