
We stand alone, united



6 Years
07-06-2015, 06:52 PM
He paced, having been alone for only a short time. The moment he had come home he had run to Glacier's arms, needing him immensely. He had shed nearly as many tears as he had when he and Glacier had first lost their parents...only this time, it was forever. There was no hope for forgiveness, no chance of answers...and now even Serefina was gone. He felt so lost, so broken, and yet somehow...nothing had changed. They had always been parentless in a way, and this meant they would no longer need to make any more trips back to the island. No future one that would ever feel the pain they had felt. With a gentle sigh he paced, wondering if Gaia and Orchid had managed to find their way back to Donostrea. He felt horrible leaving her on the volcano, but he had had to make it home as quickly as possible. He couldn't handle the information alone anymore, not after seeing Serefina run off. He needed Glacier's cool thought process, needed him to help him relax.

But now was the hard part. He had told Glacier, who he knew like the back of his paw, and his reaction had been different to what he thought it should have been. Now, they had to tell all their siblings,...So with a gentle sigh he'd move to his favorite rock, sitting down and staring out at the ocean infront of him. The day had settled to dusk since he had come home...his siblings didn't even know he had retuned. So with a gentle sigh he'd turn towards his pack and throw his head back, calling to them for the first time since he left. There wouldn't be good news this time around, if you didn't count Voltage managing to get home safe and sound. So with a sigh he'd lower his head and wait for his brother to show, as well as the rest of his siblings.

((Glacier first gais!))

"Burn Baby Burn"