
Feel Me



6 Years
07-06-2015, 08:43 PM

Voltage was restless, he was...itching. He felt so numb and yet he felt far too wired at the same time. Everything hurt, and he needed a way to get it all out. Usually at these moments he would go to Serefina, fight or play with her in some way but...but she was gone now. So he needed another way. And that way, came in the form of a specific battlefield. There had to be other wolved out there that needed to let out some steam, or practice in some way. He couldn't look for this at home. Aside from his firey sister, none of his siblings were really into letting of steam in such a way. They were rather...docile, to say the least. It was why he and Serefina got along so well, they both had fires to put out through physical means.

So he ventured, wandered far away from his home with the pain still fresh, and found his way to the grasses that the wolves of Alacritis seemed to use as a battlefield. Venturing along he'd spot a pure white wolf standing and waiting. For a moment, just a single moment, he was hesitant but shook his head. He had never really hesitated fighting a girl, infact he often lost to a girl. Namely Serefina. Perhaps it was her color that threw him off, he was used to brilliant colors not sheer white snow. But after a single moment his usual signature toothy grin would touch his lips, despite the pain, and he'd wander towards her. Without a word he'd set his stance, his head lowering first with a polite dip before settling to align with his spin. Shoulders would lift to bunch the fur along his neck as he shifted first his forelimbs than his hind legs to settle at a comfortable width. Toes would bite the ground and knees would bend. "Ladies first." He said with a grin, his lips curling and his eyes narrowing. Ears would press against his skull as his tail flicked behind him in challenge before tucking to protect his...ahem, sensitive spots. His fur would raise along his back before he finally deemed himself set.
