
You Saw Me Standing Alone



4 Years
07-06-2015, 09:34 PM

She'd mostly fallen into a light sleep when Voltage found her side again, he'd pull her back to consciousness. Though she found her head told her not to move her heart would force her into his embrace. She'd find herself clinging to him as he tried to joke about the trip to the island. Gaia was pretty much convinced that she wanted to forget the journey. She'd sigh softly as he explained himself, the emphasis of his need wouldn't make her feel any better, but she did fully understand that she just simply could not be there for him in every situation. He hadn't left them in some strange land either, Gaia had been born in the east and lived there for quite a bit of her life. Freewing knew the lands better than the back of his wing and didn't have trouble bringing them home. Still, Gaia couldn't shake her feeling.

Voltage was being so sweet too, he'd hold her tightly in his embrace, nuzzling her softly as he whispered to her. She'd take in a deep breath and try to release the anxieties that had built up. Really, all of her attention should have been on Voltage, she knew what it was like to lose your parent. Gaia had lost her mother and the woman who had practically raised her. It still hurt to think about their loss. "I'm sorry I'm grumpy, I know you need more than that from me right now." She knew she could be totally honest with Volt, the trip had proven that over and over. "I just feel like I failed you," she'd admit as she buried her features into his neck.
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