
You Saw Me Standing Alone



6 Years
07-06-2015, 11:17 PM
For a moment there would be nothing but tightness, he could barely breathe as he waited for her response. He knew that she could be scared by it, infact he was scared by it, in some way. He needed her though, just as much as he needed each and every one of his siblings. She was part of his world, and he needed to make it official. So he'd wait, counting the moments, clenching his jaw but trying not to appear anxious. He tried not to let her knew how affected he was, waiting...when he heard her small voice whisper. And he'd let out a breath in a small, happy laugh, nuzzling into her. "Oh gaia!" He said happily, nuzzling as she tucked her head under his chin. He would hold her close, hold her so tight as he looked across the cave. Somehow, she had managed to make this weird, strange night something he never wanted to forget. His hurt and his pain was forgotten (for now) as she accepted his proposal. His future was bright, and soon he would would have her at his side for ever and always. So with a warm sigh he'd pull away so slightly to look down at her face, smiling warmly before he touched his muzzle to hers. "I love you Gaia, my cloud, my everything..." He whispered warmly, shifting to press kisses along her neck. He had thought, once upon a time, that he had had everything he needed. His siblings, his home, his pack....and then he met her. "God, I can't..." He laughed softly, holding her close. "You don't know..just how much you make me smile, how much you make me happy." He said with a gentle happy laugh, not knowing how else to let out the happiness, the feelings.

"Burn Baby Burn"