
You Saw Me Standing Alone



6 Years
07-07-2015, 12:20 AM
He'd nuzzle her and try and prove all his love with kisses. He would drink in her happiness and her sighs, feeling her tremble against him as he did. It all tasted so sweet, it was just them here in their little den, alone and hidden from the outside world. No one to bother them, just them...alone. But then she'd speak, her soft words filling him to the core and causing him to freeze for a moment. His heart beat hard in his chest, racing at her request and he felt so...nervous. Once upon a time, he had been known as a "heartbreaker" or whatever of his family. He and Serefina were both so intune with their passion, that it was well known that they shared their beds with others sometimes. But this, there was something different. Perhaps it was because he well and truley loved her. He'd breath out his anxiety, slowly shifting up. Since before he met Gaia, his heart had belonged to her. Perhaps it was fate, or destiny...but with a smile he'd press kisses along her neck as he shifted up. "I love you, Gaia...." He whispered gently as his answer, his muzzle by her ear before rubbing it down the side of her neck. This was different than any other time, he knew...this was about love, about passion. "With every single bit of me, I love you..." He whispered softly as he would lay a warm, precious kiss behind her ear.

There was so much passion in the electric boy, and every bit of it belonged to her. Heat would sway through him, and he'd rest his cheek against her neck gently. With a slow breath, he'd take in her scent, knowing that it belonged to him, just as he belonged to her. He loved every second beside her, adored the way she smiled, laughed, and trusted him. There was warmth in every embrace, every kiss. The was love, full and true, and he would love her to his dying breath. He'd settle slowly over her, limbs shaking slightly in his nervousness as he pressed a kiss between her shoulders. "amica mea

-fade out-

With a huff of air he'd settle at her side, worn but sated. The air suddenly felt too warm as he gazed at her, but...suddenly everything, absolutely everything, felt right. He had his family, he had his home, he had the love of his life....there was nothing more in the world and he felt like through it all, they had won something. With a pleased hum he'd nuzzle her neck, laying more kissed into her jaw and cheek. "My little cloud.." He whispered, out of breath as he smiled against her skin. "Are you...umh.." He felt embarrased, hot, anxious... "Are you okay?" He whispered sweetly, watching her for any sign that she was hurt, or unhappy with it all. She deserved everything, the world, and he had tried to show her...but he couldn't know for sure...not untill he heard her voice.

"Burn Baby Burn"