
Dead hearts are everywhere


07-07-2015, 03:41 AM

ooc: sorry for skipping you, Lolaf, Sarai the little shit just had to get a word in there xD

As expected her brother would stop her from going and further on her own. Her ears flattened against her skull at his words and she glared up at him. "Why not!?" she demanded, tears welling up in her bright pink eyes. "Why's it not safe? I wanna go home!" It was simply hard for her to understand why all of this was happening. She was just too young to understand really why they had to leave and why her father wasn't here with them, but all of this confusion showed as anger and frustration. Eirik would tell her to "not do this" and she would frown at him, her eyes still glittering with tears brought out by confusion and exhaustion.

She begrudgingly followed him back to where their mother was waiting at the pack border and soon a pretty ivory lady came up to greet them. Not as pretty as her or her momma obviously, but very pretty. She introduced herself and her pack and Sarai couldn't just sit still and quiet. It just wasn't in her to do so. She glared up at the lady, who she knew really hadn't done anything to her to deserve such words, and declared, "Your pack is all wet and muddy and messy and I don't like it!" With that she turned around and stomped a couple of feet before plopping down on her haunches again. She hung her head, completely tired and miserable while she waited for it all to be done.

"Talk" "You" Think