
The Rhythm of the World


04-05-2013, 11:08 PM
It would have been foolish to deny the fact that this brute was a stunning, nearly overwhelming sight for the young woman. Her sampling of wolves was slim; of males, even slimmer. Yet here he stood before her in his dazzling glory, this pallid king, turning his body in a way to make him look all the more magnificent, as if he needed the help of the sun's provided light to impress her. Surely her deer-in-the-headlights expression was enough to prove his own beauty to him, to prove he needed no aid to catch her eye.

Fur pressed flat against her already slender bodice, encasing her in a tighter coat that only furthered her miniscule, timid appearance as he spoke, telling the purpose of this place. She had smelled many wolves, many foreign scents, accompanied by the blood of wolves, yet she had imagined this place would have served as a decent place to meet them as well. It had seemed well-visited enough. Oh, she'd been stupid to think such a thing. The male likely saw her as some pathetic, brain-dead pup too cowardly to stand her own ground against a stranger, cowering here like a frightened prey animal. His kind, praising words were flattery, nothing more. Meaningless ? or, they ought to have been. Never had a brute been kind to her in any way that did not seem average. However, this man's tongue seemed intent on speaking up a whirlwind of butterflies in her stomach.

She gave a small nod to his warning, instinct to flee only egged on by his commentary. She was out of her element, out of her comfort zone, and into a new realm of which she had never traveled before, and currently planned never to dare travel again. It clearly had been a poor idea, to place herself in some foreign place and simply wait for wolves to greet her. It was a battlezone she had happened across. Wolves fought here, perhaps even killed one another. They were not the kind, gentle beasts she desired for company, though the brute before her seemed to show different.

Her heart, a caged bird in her chest, beat freely and wildly as the male approached her and circled tight around her, causing her to crunch up even more, to get herself as small as she could make her body, to avoid the foreign contact. Another nod to his words, mouth shut for fear of speaking stupidity. Certainly she had showed enough of it already ? she did not see the need to verbally confirm his likely suspicions of mental insufficiency. Cautious ears perked to catch his words. He seemed helpful enough, kind enough. His willingness to share whatever information he held was a blessing to her, and as such, she showed proper respect, head dipped slightly as he sat and spoke with an authoritative, superior, intelligent confidence.

By the time he had finished his short speech, her ears had perked slightly, body relaxed with a show of slight interest. However, she resorted back to flat fur and flat ears as he ended his words, aching to ask him of Ludicael, to beg him to continue, to share with her the marvelous things this world had to offer in the pack he spoke of. But still, he had been kind enough to share so much with her already; it would certainly be considered selfish, rude even to press him into continuing.

?Thank you, Sir, for your insight. Perhaps I am not as suited to life here as I had previously thought, but should I end up joining one of these groups here, I am sure your knowledge will come to be very useful.? she spoke hesitantly, not sure if he wished to continue or not, not daring to question the abrupt ending to his words, simply keeping crouched down slightly, fur flat, voice quiet yet carrying a polite, cautious air.

OOC: I just want to say, thank you for roleplaying with me ;w; Also, your table is beautiful!