
End of Your Days



5 Years
07-07-2015, 05:09 PM
*Set a week after Volt's return*

Her paws dragged behind her as her head hung low, limping heavily. Her left shoulder was torn and still bleeding, she had not stopped moving since she ran away from Voltage. Had only slept... wait had she slept? She couldn't even remember, her mind was a foggy cloud. She was deranged and badly hurt, there was hardly a place on her fiery body that was not bruised or scratched up. When Serefina had left her brother, crying out that it wasn't true, she had not stopped until she reached their old home. That is when she saw that her brother was indeed telling the truth, and the wolves that bore her and her siblings had laid there dead. They hardly looked like themselves, and the stench that wafted off of them made her wretch. But it was true, they were dead. The blood that matted their fur made it quite apparent that their passing was not natural. After the nasua had passed, she was taken over with red hot anger. With that she took off, searching the island for any other signs of life. She ran into the first female and demanded to know what had happened to her parents, even though she insisted that she did not know them. She had came to the island looking for food, but Serefina didn't believe her. That was her first fight, the female left a gash along her muzzle and a cut on her lower neck. She moved on after she had pinned the girl, who cried for her to believe her. Sere huffed, and stepped off of her to find her next victim.

She ran into a male next, who was a lot more aggressive than the female. He fought her right off the bat, no questions asked. The fight that she usually liked, but her body was sore from lack of sleep of her last fight. He gashed her shoulder, tearing off a pretty big chunk, as well as spraining her front toes. He had done quite a number on her, leaving puncture wounds around her neck and leaving her to slink off in defeat. This made for a very, very pissed off Sere. So when she ran into her final stranger, it was a different tale. She asked again about her parents, and he stated that he knew them. That they were gone now. He had smirked, and it was enough to make her snap. This time it was a different fight, a fight for a life. She accused him of killing her parents, of robbing her of ever finding answers. This is where she sustained most of her injuries, the blood coating her yellow lightning strike with thick mats of blood. The fight lasted a lot longer, until she felt like she was going to collapse. But he egged her on, fueling her never ending rage. At last he slipped up, allowing her to end the fight. With the end of his life. She cursed him for making her do it, for taking away her parents. But he was dead, before she could really get any answer from him. Serefina stumbled back, the pain replacing everything else. When it had finally sunk in what she had done, she howled in regret. She didn't even know if he had done it and... she killed him. She took away this man's life when he could have done nothing at all. Innocent. And now... Serefina wretched again, her limbs shaking as she almost collapsed. But his voice filled her ears, saying how he had ended their life, took it away while they cried. Had he done it, or was he just looking for a fight? She was confused, but he... he said he had done it. He had, hadn't he? So... she had done it. Growling, not bothering to rest, she grabbed the still warm wolf and dragged him away. She was going to take him back to their family, show them that she had ended this miserable wolf's life. But in the back of her mind her doubt still lingered, and it was the only driving factor that allowed her to move without passing out.

The girl didn't even remember how she had come here, but she dumped the body well before she got to her homeland. She didn't want to lay the dead body for all to see, she was unsure if some of her siblings would wish to see the battered body. It had become more torn up by her dragging it here, ripping more tears. Her own body was so badly beaten that it looked like a crocodile had chewed her up and spat her back out. But she was here, she was finally home. The scent of the border gave her her last amount of strength to push on. Once she got two feet across the plains, she let out a howl for Voltage and Glacier. She needed to show them. But before she could even finish her howl her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she collapsed on the earth. Blackness welcomed her with open arms.