
End of Your Days



6 Years
Extra large
07-07-2015, 07:26 PM
Glacier heard Voltage's call, but more then that he also heard him call for healers, a jog that had started off easy turned into a head long one as he ran from the beach side, climbing up a hill and making his way quickly into the Prairie. He would see immedetly that others had beaten him there and he moved to Voltage's side well also trying to stay out of the way of the healers. He would see Lior getting to work and smile at Anais's sister, or as much as he could through his worry. Sere was clearly a mess and it looked bad, real bad. Voltage was a mess and he was moving to nuzzle his brother when Orchid demanded he hold down Sere. Glacier stepped back, hovering at the edge ready to jump in if he was needed but more concerned with staying clear out of the way.

He wouldn't relax until Orchid told them she would pull through, and what she would need to get through this which was mostly water food and bed rest, He nodded easily to that and looked over to his brother, knowing that likely the other boy was feeling guilty as well as worried, and wondering how he could ease Voltage's concerns. Sere was going to pull through, it would be okay. He wasn't certain what he would do had it been otherwise.. he couldn't even bare thinking it.