



10 Years
Extra large
07-07-2015, 08:08 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2015, 08:11 PM by Áki.)
His own tail would thump against his hindquarters in a pleased motion as the silhouette of the girl drew closer. She was significantly smaller than him - but he had met few larger - and quite dainty, at least from first appearance. His grin widened as she approached, his tusked head dipping to the earth in a greeting that very much mirrored her own. Her gentle voice echoed through the caverns, bouncing off one wall to the next, quite a pleasant sound to his ears - especially when he hadn't expected to find anyone in these caves.

"A pleasure indeed," he would agree readily. His head cocked slightly to the left as his eyes narrowed, to get a better look at the one who called herself Reiko. It came as little surprised when she fixated on his tusks, a fact that turned his smile into a tight frown as he scrunched his nose in distaste.  "No, they are not," he'd retort with a soft huff. His irritation, though genuine, was light and there was no hint of true malice in his voice.

"They don't hurt, and they've always been there. You can touch them if you feel inclined. Any other questions?" It was a question he'd been asked repeatedly, and that he quickly had grown tired of. And yet despite his irritation, he managed another grin as he regarded her. He didn't want to scare her off entirely, and yet he was still getting used to his tusks being talked about.. he couldn't help but wonder if Sabine had been suffering the same scrutiny about her lack of sight.

table by argent/neffs