
I never knew daylight could be so violent



5 Years
07-08-2015, 12:02 AM

It was a heavy burden to carry such... hard news to deliver. Meeting Phim along the way had given him something else to think about for a moment, but once he had set out on his path to find Arda again the weight of it had settled on him again. It was just so hard to think that someone that had been so crucial in their lives for so long as now gone. He sighed and watched the ground as he padded toward where he had last seen his sibling. After a little investigation he saw she wasn't here, but he did catch her scent and was able to follow it a short walk away to where he found Arda lounging half out of a den.

He smiled a little when he saw the contented look on Arda's face and he wondered to himself how long it had been since his sibling had been so content. He hated to be the one to break this peace she was obviously feeling, but he knew that if he kept the news from her it would only come back to bite him... perhaps literally instead of figuratively. He padded up to her, his expression clearly not as happy as it should of been and his tail barely wagging behind him. "There you are, Arda," he greeted as he got closer, slowing to a stop just a foot or two away from her. "I'm glad I found you... sorry it took me so long to get back." He settled on his haunches, his shoulders slumping a bit. How was he supposed to deliver this news?

"Talk" "You" Think