
The queen slayer's strife {Anthrax}


04-06-2013, 02:04 AM

Whispers from the cage that had long since passed been bared, seemed to crack into her world. She closed her eyes for a moment, straining to hear them, what did they speak of? Her ears twitched in response to his words caressing her mind. It was as if he saw into her soul if only just for a moment. The stars had betrayed her. They had once told her that if she followed them with loyalty then they would guide her to what she wanted. What was it she wanted or rather who she wanted? Him. Her. Them. Her lost memories? They were all so far off into the unknown that she couldn?t begin to find the right door to open. She felt a pang of mourning hint her heart as she nodded towards his words. Something had died in him hadn?t it? Something he wanted desperately to come back. Her lips pushed into a thin line. Her violet eyes almost burning with understanding, at least in her own manner, as she nodded.

?Life can be cruel.? Was all she said in response to his words. How did she know? What was a broken mind? A thing set so far into illusions that sometimes this world and the last and the next all merged into come combined reality. His question was nothing and everything to her. She almost felt startled by the words. Anxiety rode her body hard for a moment as her vision faded into nothingness. ?Eyes that burn with death. That swallows souls by its masters bidding. A truth that cannot find its way into my heart no matter how many times I try to remember. A broken memory. A faded smell. A lost guardian. Always I am searching but can never truly know the answer to those questions.? She murmured, as if lost in her own mind. He had vanished as she reached for the cage that locked it all away. It protected her from the truth but pain was good! It was amazing to feel the bones break and the blood run dry. Why did it elude her so?

She shook her head as the world came back into her eyes and she found him there. Her ears twitched as she allowed the laugh to rip its way threw her throat. My, oh my, was she losing moments left and right. Only in her kingdom did she know who she was. Who she had become but who was she before? She couldn?t linger on the thought any long and so she dismissed all thoughts minus one. ?I search for others who search for me.? she mused, as if her former words had never happened. She remembered not the oddities of her conversation before this one. When her mind had collapsed on itself and left her exposed. ?Those that have nothing but want something and I care enough to give them a purpose.? She finished, her tail dancing behind her, as she looked him over. ?You care not for my words but seem lost like me. I don?t know if what I offer or search for can ease your heartache but I know it. Maybe not what caused it but I know the pain.? She said softly. She cared if he didn?t and maybe that would be enough or maybe that would be too much.

OOC: I am sorry this took so long but I absolutely love how it turned out. so not so sorry I waited.