
Good To See You



3 Years
07-08-2015, 04:30 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Just a little Miksa was glad of the months he had spent in the south during his childhood. It had prepared him in a way for adjusting to life in the east, and because of that the change in seasons was just a little easier to deal with. It was definitely brighter here in these parts compared to how his northern mountain home would have been during this time, and more colorful too. There were more colors here than the grey of stone, the brown of earth and bark, and the green of pines and hardy, leafy plants. He just wished he was a little more adventurous, a little more curious in these new surroundings that all looked so lively.

As it was, he was still somewhat intimidated by the new land. His adventures beyond the borders of Threar were few and far between, but they were still done occasionally. Now was one of those times as his slow and steady gait brought him away from the Sunset Falls and just a little north, as if seeking some resemblance nearby of the mountainous Waterfall Peak that he had once called home. There was one large peak within the vicinity, a singular mountain that seemed to grab the attention of those who caught sight of it. He gravitated toward it, skirting along its base, and paused momentarily when he came upon a dark opening that seemingly led into its side.

For a moment, he nearly smiled, his thought nostalgic in a way. The last time he had been brave enough to venture into a cave system it had nearly been at the cost of his life, as well as the life of another, and yet it had been one of the most memorable moments of his life to date. Where was she, that green-eyed girl who had dragged him along on that fateful adventure? He felt a sudden pang of regret when he realized he had taken no time to seek her out and tell her where he would be going. She had preferred the southern lands, that he remembered. Was she still there in the cold north or could she possibly have traveled closer without knowing it?

It was too much to hope for - there was a good chance she had forgotten about the timid boy who had helped her anyway; Miksa did not consider himself very memorable - and so he merely shook his head as he proceeded to walk again, considering how far he ought to go before turning back for home.