
The claws are out



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-08-2015, 04:48 PM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2015, 04:49 PM by Sin.)

His paws seemed to bring him to the battlefield time and time again. He would fight anything that crossed his path, and this would be no different. A mighty roar filled his ears, the brute turning towards where it came. A sly grin pulled his maw, and the dark beast made his way towards the call. It was not a wolf, but a feline he knew. And moments upon arriving at his destination, a figure as stark as snow found its way into his field of vision. Coolly the creature approached, stopping about ten feet from the creature. Sharp amber eyes found the estranged creatures vibrant pink ones, the maned creature the same color as his sire. Teeth showed in a challenging smile. He had fought against a big cat before, and reigned victorious. Whether or not this would be the same, well...they would find out soon enough.

"You are in luck today, stranger." He purred. Sin was no amateur when it came to fighting, and he had the experience with fighting big cats. This lion would be added to the pile of experiences he had in fighting creatures other then wolves. Though the claws of a creature such as the one before him were much sharper then a wolf's, Sin had the possible advantage in speed. He knew the tactics that large cats such as this used, so he was no fool in this field. "I am no fool in a battle such as this, but I will give you a taste of what I am capable of." He growled as he readied his defenses. An idea brewed in his head, he would see how well this creature fared. And should he prove powerful, then Sin would propose something after. This fight would determine that.
