
The claws are out



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-08-2015, 05:28 PM

From the corner of his eye did he see a smaller figure approach, evidently wanting to fight the cat but Sin had beat her to the punch. If she so chose, he'd fight her after this too, though he wouldn't go easy on either opponent. He did not take his eyes off of the albino cat, waiting for the creature to make the first move. When he had first fought a jaguar a couple of years ago, the feline had started like any other cat would have. So Sin merely waited for the first pounce. And low and behold, he'd get it though in a slightly different manner.

Sin's defenses fell in place. Eyes narrowed, teeth baring, ears flattening against his head, hackles rising, head lowered over his throat as his chin tucked slightly, meanwhile his tail aligned with his spine for the Sinner to steer when he made his quick motions. Toes spread and claws dug into the dirt, shoulders rolled forward to protect his neck and his scruff bunched up. Lastly, his body tensed and his knees bent to lower his stature slightly while his weight was evenly distributed. His body was ready.

While the lion charged at him, Sin charged as well. Sin however, moved to his own right as Hyder reared up. Hyder's left paw missed it's mark, while the right swiped Sin's left shoulder, claws scratching his shoulder and leaving moderate lacerations from his long claws as Sin ducked in his movement. He then jerked his own head to his right, jaws shooting upward and slightly towards his left in an attempt to bite the lion right beneath his jaws. His movement had brought his left shoulder in contact with Hyder's teeth, though the felines teeth would bite into bone and glance off, leaving moderate to severe lacerations and puncture wounds that would bleed profusely. Sin would ignore the pain, adrenaline coursing through his veins. If his own teeth connected, he sought to grip and hold on to where he could possibly create discomfort or even cut open the skin beneath the creatures jaws. As he did this, his left forepaw extended in an attempt to claw swipe at the lions underbelly to create scratches, and his paw aimed to also slice down (scratch more like since wolf claws aren't that sharp *cough*) the Lions inner right thigh and down his right leg, hopefully to compromise the lions balance or distract him as well. The fight was on.

Sin vs Hyder Round 1/2
