
Don't sink in the sand!


04-06-2013, 02:56 AM

Sorrow fell from the heavens. Why did they weep? Did something break them into mourning? Whatever the reason it was enough to make her shiver threw her thick coat. She was content with the chill that came with rain. It helped to sooth the rage of the sun that generally broke the grounds in ashes and fire. Today the world was alive with pain and magic. Yet even when the heavens wept and the world was wonderful other souls were tormented. How funny it was that she was always finding the broken, like herself, and those that held similar paths with similar stories to tie them all together.

The smell of blood was what had called to her broken mind. Though the rain came calling and the heavens began to roar with their rage she ignored them all except for the smell of blood. Blood meant she remembered. Blood was what sang to her soul and brought her from the darkness and into the light. She moved with more urgency then her general stride towards the source of the smell. Soon enough the drenched youth stood proudly over her kill. Enjoying her spoils and something in her took over. What was it about the state of her body that consumed her mind? They were not born yet and yet they affected her all the same.

?Ello.? She said simply, allowing her dark masculine dominating voice to call to the youth. She was not a helpless little pup lost to the rains but she was young. A little too young to be venturing so far from home but she was not her mother but where was she? Surly she was worried sick about her little girl? All of Cerberus?s wrath wouldn?t compare to her fury should something ever happen to her young. ?The world weeps and yet you sing of anger. Shall we go before your body starts to steam and you drift away into nothingness?? she questioned, her violet gaze shifted towards a shelter not to far in the distance. She was too distracted to notice the other female swiftly approaching it. all she cared about was removing the youth from the clutches of the cool rains and ensuring she didn?t catch her death.