
We're beautiful now

Athena I


9 Years
07-08-2015, 08:51 PM

Athena padded past the Fiori border that surrounded the Hot Springs as she followed the river that cut through the whole of Alacritis. She was so deep in thought that she really wasn't paying much attention to where she was going. She couldn't get her thoughts to focus on one thing in particular, but they all had a very similar theme. It all made her fell very sad and frustrated and guilty all at once.

She didn't bother to look up and see where she was until suddenly the trees were all a ghostly white color. She blinked with surprise and looked around at her new surroundings as she padded through the odd forest slowly. She got further toward the center she saw several strange stones that looked like they had some sort of carvings on them and in the middle of those there was a pool of water... but when she got closer she noticed an odd glow to the pool. It reminded her a lot of the water in the Mangroves with how it would seem to glow a bit at night, but this seemed to glow even in the fading daylight. The setting of the pale forest and odd stones made it seem all the stranger.

She stopped maybe a foot from the water's edge and peered down into the pool curiously, but in her gazing her mind began to wander again, bringing back those memories and thoughts she had on her way here. She sighed and looked at her reflection, looking at the ruby and emerald gaze that looked back at her.

"Talk" "You" Think