
Something Fun



5 Years
07-08-2015, 08:52 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Gale grinned as she crept up on her large, lumbering big brother, extending the stride of her fast pace in order to gain ground on him faster. It worked, allowing her to catch up, though Glacier was quick to act as defensively as he was able while he still had and held his lead. Sand was kicked up in a flurry with each thunderous step he took, sending it upwards and back to pepper across the grey and lavender wolf's face and body. She clenched her eyes shut to try preventing the little annoying grains from getting into her eyes and was for the most part successful, though one did itch now. Oh, that crazy brother of hers. He was going to get it now!

More determined than before, she sprinted along beside him, exerting herself at full force and speed. She no longer looked at him but at the water, the waves that crashed on the shore and drifted back in an almost beckoning motion. Gale heeded their call, regardless that water was not her element of choice, and raced headlong toward it to practically leap into an oncoming wave.

The water chilled her almost instantly, but through the sudden shock of it she felt triumph. She had given her all; surely she had been able to get ahead of Glacier and win their race? Not that she was against getting them a meal - she just wanted to win. She had to fight a little against the retreating tide as she turned and pulled herself from the water and back up onto the wet sands, water dripping from her undersides and slicking her grey and lavender fur down over her body, contouring the lithe figure beneath. She paused to shake, taking a little longer than average just to get as much of the water off of her as she could, before she turned her grey-green eyes on Glacier with a teasing smile. "So who's getting lunch?"