
Let them take on their own


07-08-2015, 09:10 PM

When Quelt's call sounded across Abaven lands Allen gave an approving nod. Ahhh good. He still had the training with Threar that had been delayed as well, but perhaps something could be arranged differently. Perhaps a different sort of training that differed away from the normal spars and such that they were going to have today. He would figure it out and speak with Novella and Frith once more. For now, however, Allen would set off in the direction Quelt had called the pack together.

He would be first on the scene -- a good sign for the temporary Azat. Allen was taking his job seriously after all. The calico gentleman would tip his head to the slate man, giving a warm smile. "Quelt, thank you for doing this." He'd say. Would Nona show up at the training as well? Not that he wanted her to participate. Heavens no! But it could be a good learning experience for the young healers to treat the spar wounds. Hmm... Just to get the point across that this meeting was mandatory Allen would throw back his head and howl as well. There would be consequences for those who didn't show up. He would not let Bass' pack slip through the cracks while he was in charge.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah