
Shy Violet Angel Eyes

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-08-2015, 10:57 PM
Motif would watch rhythm get close to the ground and put herself in a position to play with Vail. Once the magic word had been spoken, she would immediately lose her daughter. There was some regret shown in the reluctant way motif let up her paws to allow her daughter to escape her, but there was also excitement evident in motifs eyes. She and Vail had played a few games together but never before had her daughter had a chance with a live creature. The way Vail formed the word play was also adorable, and it could easily be said that Vail had motif wrapped about her little finger. There wasn't anything in the world the destruction would deny her daughter.

"Let it go?" Motif asked rhythm softly, also placing herself crouched on the ground on the opposite side of rhythm to vail. The poor mouse would never have a chance to escape, even if rhythm hadn't broken a paw. Vail would get every opportunity to learn and play with the creature well she figured out what to do with it. Motif wasn't going to miss a single moment of her daughters first live prey and kill. Eyes shinning she glanced back up at rhythm, her thanks clearly displayed in yellow orbs


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