
even if the morrow is barren of promise


04-06-2013, 09:53 AM

The laugh was met by a smile on Lovatt's part. He was pleased to see amusement in the other wolf. She was an impressive creature, large and bulky and as a whole, interesting. It had taken him a little to figure out that yes, this wolf was a female with that size and bulk. And then the female spoke. He tilted his head a little as he examined her, flicking navy eyes up and down her form. "I think that it was wolves who birthed you." Lovatt spoke lightly, only to hesitate when the female turned a blank, panicked look on him.

Had his joke been in bad taste? Or what was going on? "Are you . . . all right, Miss?" There was a fear that he did not understand in this wolf as she backed up a few steps. He lowered his head a little, trying to look unintimidating, though this female was indeed larger than she. He should not have scared her; he intended no harm. But perhaps he had not made that clear enough.

He was trying to figure out what else he could do when the female seemed to relax a little, looking at him with a little bit of recognition in her features. Lovatt breathed a sigh of relief, twitching brown ears at the female as she spoke, inclining his head slightly. He spoke no more of the incident, figuring that that would probably embarrass her. "Pleasure to meet you, Newt Saxe. Congratulations on becoming Queen." Lentajin. He had heard nothing of the pack, but perhaps... Well, if he chose to join a pack, this would be one of the first that he investigated. This female was an interesting creature; surely her pack would be an interesting one as well. It might not be a good fit for Morgan as well, however, and Lovatt knew that he would not be going anywhere without the last remainders of his family.

Her words were interesting, met by a slight tilt of Lovatt's head. "Those are noble goals, Queen Newt." Lovatt spoke slowly, "What kind of home will you offer these wolves that you seek?" This was a legitimate question, for Lovatt was curious about the pack of which she spoke. Lentajin. He wanted to learn of this pack. Of all packs, to be fair, but this female was the first Queen that he had met in his wanderings. And perhaps, he was one of the wolves that she spoke of. He was certainly a lost soul. He had left his home far behind and could never find it again.

But maybe, just maybe, he might find a new home in these lands.
