
Rise and Shine, Sunshine!



4 Years
07-09-2015, 01:49 AM

Nona would hear her mate coo to her, together at last this would be the final moment that would bring them both truly together and there after they would be truly mated. She couldn't help but coo in return, "I love you Allen".

-Fade to black and fade back-

Together they would lay there side by side truly together now and what she heard her mate say after he took a breath would amuse her, "Well you're never too old to be with me my love and nothing will ever change that, my beloved Allen". Her voice would trail off for but a moment before picking right back up from where she ended, "I believe you will be the best father in the world to them strong and protective but also a role model to look to and more than that you are just you and that is what I love most about you, you don't hide behind a fake persona pretending to be someone else and that gives me all the strength I need to know I too can press on to another dawn with you by my side". Nona would affectionately return the kiss to Allen and would nod hoping that their children would also have other younglings to play with as well.

She would press herself into Allen's side and move her head to be under his, "I feel like I'm the luckiest fae in the world to have you as my mate and no matter how far apart we may be physically nothing can ever separate us spiritually in heart and mind... and I will always be here for you to try and be your pillar that you can count on when you need a glimmer of hope that you can accomplish whatever you need to do".
