
The Rhythm of the World


04-06-2013, 10:06 AM

The light of the sun gleamed off of his ivory coat, setting him aglow. Oh he did love the light of the morning, almost as much as he loved the glow of the moon. Perhaps the only time he looked his absolute best were under illumination by either of those. A smirk played upon his lips, one that lingered there always - but was not always prominent. This was one of those times when it was brighter, more whimsical, and very charming to boot. His air of confidence was only increased by the notion that she was buying into it all.. buying into his words, his antics, and more importantly.. his appearance. He could read the fear in her stance, the respect and perhaps even awe in those eyes. If only everyone else could see him like this, could see how manipulative and downright amazing he was at acting. Putting on a show was second nature, and this was no exception.

Finally words would come, though they seemed almost dismissive. Such a pity, he had hoped she would inquire further, would be so intrigued that she'd simply have to ask. However, he was down - but certainly not out. He could still turn this around, after all.. he already had her wrapped around his paw. Well then let me give you more to go on. He paused, scanning his eyes over her as if he were trying to read her very soul. You look like a smart girl, someone who's more into following than leading, someone who would be of great use to any pack so long as they treated her right. He would pause, prepared to read her reaction to see if he was on the right path. I can't say I've ever lived anywhere else, so I can't rightly give you the lowdown on the other packs.. but as for Ludicael.. it's a dream. He gave an airy sigh, as if just thinking about it gave him butterflies. Oh what an actor! Our leader, Jupiter, has only recently set claim to our beautiful home. We live among the mangroves and the waterway. You should see it at night, it positively glows. That was an understatement.

Anyway, Jupiter.. I won't go as far as to say that she is relaxed.. she just isn't domineering like other tyrant alphas I've known in my past. She has rules set forth, but they are guidelines to live by.. not iron gates to dance through. Jupiter is not the type to rule over us so much as to lead us all in the same path. He had spoken enough for now, and surely she would have further questions for him by now, or even statements. A placid smile settled upon his face as he glanced to the left and the right, then focused back on her. It would not suit him well to be caught up in a battle. He was a healer, not a brawler.

OOC / Anytime! I'm quite enjoying this interaction c: And thank you, it's a new style I've been trying out :]
