



2 Years
07-09-2015, 10:17 AM
The air about him had changed immediately the moment she asked her question, at his tone, her ears flattened onto her skull - she had said something she shouldn't have. It was a sensitive subject apparently, and she had just prodded it with a metaphorical stick. She shook her head "no" at the offer of touching them, not entirely sure if that would insult him further or not, but thought that maybe, touching them, would only make matter worse. Did he think of himself as some kind of freak because of them? If so, that gave a pain in her heart for him. She looked up at him after shaking her head with a bright sincere smile spreading across her angelic face. "They do look pretty cool however."

And that statement was true. Now that they weren't some kind of horrendous accident, something that caused him physical pain, she only saw them to be just as cool any his markings and everyone else's that she had seen so far. Strangers were full of surprises, they were all different in some special way - just like snow flakes. No two were exactly the same, they all had their own little special features that made them unique and beautiful. This man and his tusks just made his uniqueness stand out more than others - and perhaps that alone was giving him enough pain.

"I'm sorry for entering a touchy subject, it was wrong. It must be hard to stand out of the crowd, I cannot imagine. I kind of envy it to be honest." Unless she was surrounded by a bunch of dark colored pelts, Reiko never stood out of the crowd, especially since there were so many wolves out there with white pelts and different shades of blue for their eyes. She was just a part of the same crowd. She wouldn't compare her envy to his possible annoyance, but if she could switch places, she probably would.
