
If I ruled the world



10 Years
Extra large
07-09-2015, 11:32 AM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2015, 11:32 AM by Áki.)
Though he always dreaded winter's departure, spring was not necessarily something to sulk over. The land quickly went from feeling desolate and harsh to suddenly teeming with life. Though he preferred the former, the latter held its own sort of wonder that was unmistakeable. Life sprang forth from nothing, from death and emptiness, and he couldn't help but quietly thank Beaivi for dancing closer to the earth and casting the rays of her sun upon the lands once again. The seasons were a necessary part of life, no matter how one dreaded the inevitable hunger of winter or the unbearable heat of summer. The cycle continued, with or without one's complaints, and so Áki was inclined to be without even silent complaint about anything regarding things out of his control.

His gaze swept across the forest of young budding trees. Though the redbud trees were clearly fruitful and healthy, there was something off about this place.. the trees, though spread far and wide as it seemed, were all quite young. Had some sort of disaster once swept this place? Perhaps a sort of disease that afflicted the trees, or some kind of fire? His nose wrinkled as he tasted the warm air, deducing he could not figure out why this place seemed so odd - but it truly was lovely.

It took him a bit of wandering, weaving effortlessly between the trees - a beautiful canvas of pink, red, and green - to catch the scent of another. Of a stranger, though with how often he moved it was rare he came across someone he knew. Interest was apparent on the tribal brute's features, a slight smile tugging at his lips for a moment. Though he was a loner through and through, independent to his very core, he was also quite social and the promise of company was too alluring to pass up.

It took awhile to track his scent, but before he knew it he was a dozen yards away from a brute who looked very much his size. A rarity in these lands, it seemed. His head would dip closer to the earth, nostrils flaring loudly as he took in his scent and assessed him; around most wolves he had no reason to be wary, but this one seemed very much like he could put up a fight, and he had no interest in fighting today.. not unless he had to.

table by argent/neffs