
Round and Round

Katja the First


8 Years
07-09-2015, 11:35 AM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2015, 11:37 AM by Katja the First.)

His reply about Ebony gave away no hint of his standing with the previous alpha, but she would take the lack of aggression as a positive and move past it. Yfir was not Ebony, and though Kassander still resided there he was not alpha. Though it was something to always keep in the back of her mind in the future, it need not have bearing on the conversation currently.

The boy was his own, though there was little doubt of it from the boy's words and the similarity in coloring. It was good to see that the alpha was not so talkative as his young son. Youngest child, it seemed, with an unknown number of older children. That unknown factor was troubling, just enough to make her wary. The gregarious behavior of his youngest not-with-standing, the forward nature of the boy suggested not a spoiled child so much as a bold one, the sort of personality a viking would look to encourage and train into a warrior. There was no telling if this male thought similarly and had trained his elder children in battle. Silver eyes slid over the alpha evaluatingly, noting scars and hard muscle - no, surely he would be the kind to train his children similarly.

A rustling announced the approach of another, this a yearling even taller than the alpha though the similar coloring and markings around the eyes marked him as likely another of these unknown children. Interestingly, the boy's color seemed to... shift slightly in the bright sunlight as it played over his pelt, highlights of violet appearing and disappearing as the hairs moved, much as the silver ticking in her own coat did.

The boy was polite, though his head was held proudly. She'd have been proud to have a son like him or - her mind wandering back to her sister in sadness - a nephew to raise in her ways. She nodded solemnly to him as the other alpha introduced him as Angelus, and spoke of him sitting in as a lesson, but when he testingly went on to explain that Yfir was in the east, she shook her head once sharply. "Nein, no longer. Yfir makes its home in the north. We claim the mountain there as well as a forest of great red trees and a round gorge." She saw no reason not to tell him where her pack was. It was perhaps better for her lands to be known to discourage those who would trespass there not knowing who they were challenging.

"I circled your territory before I stopped here," she spoke again abruptly, blunt and honest in a matter of fact tone rather than mockingly. "I was unchallenged until your son Ashmedai approached me and his mother found him, until you found me. I commend you your personal diligence in patrolling as an alpha but do your warriors not patrol your borders?" She watched him as she spoke, gaze sharp though she was indifferent to the actual answer to her questions so much as the alpha's reaction to this line of inquiry. Shifting subjects as abruptly as she had begun, she questioned, "Is Angelus your son as well? You are all of you remarkably tall. I would almost believe you to be a pack of jötnar." Not a one of them, save the child who's current size suggested he'd grow much larger, was any smaller than Laufey, and this Angelus stood even taller. It would make them formidable adversaries, though she did not fear the idea. To die in battle was the ultimate glory, after all, and to die in battle with giants would be no small boost. That would come when it did and not before, for it was not for her to see where the winding path would lead her beforehand.

"Talk" "You" Think