
living daze



7 Years
Extra large

07-09-2015, 12:16 PM
Killing wasn't something he'd ever really discussed with anyone before. It felt taboo, like talking about mating or something. He definitely knew what dying meant, but actually killing someone yourself was a whole different stores. His eyes widened subtly as he watched Calypsei speak, but as she began to actually explain what had happened, he found himself looking down toward the water. It felt raw and emotional, and Lark almost felt like he shouldn't be listening to this at all.

The most reasonable thing to do right now, while she spoke, was definitely to drink some water. He felt an emptiness where he knew empathy should be; the pain echoed in her voice and her posture, and he knew he ought to comfort her. That was what friends did, right? But instead all he could do was lean his head down to the rapids, gripping the soil with his claws as he leaned to lap greedily at the stream. He didn't fault her for being emotional - he assumed he probably would be, too, had he gone through what she had. But the difference was that he wasn't her, and he couldn't feel her pain, though he could hear it clear as day.

And he wondered if it was such a bad thing that he felt mostly impressed with her story, rather than sad for what she had gone through.

He could imagine killing someone who tried to kill one of his family members, easy. Maybe even a close friend, if he ever had someone close to him other than family.

"Wow," he said finally, exhaling softly. "I'm glad you can swim." If not, she'd be dead now, and she wouldn't have ever come to Abaven and met him. And right now, instead of listening to her story and ignoring his own worries, he would be sitting here wading in his own frustration and worries. "I'm sorry your friend was killed," he said finally, because it seemed appropriate to say, and he did feel like it sounded awful and he knew he wouldn't want a friend of his to die.