
Marako Children



4 Years
07-09-2015, 04:35 PM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2015, 04:58 AM by Varda.)
OOC Name:: Millie
Pup Name:: Zephyra "Hulk" Agatsuma
Gender:: Female
Design:: Set 1 design 5

[note: now got the gems for 41 inches]

An alluring aura of beauty is what the muscular dame lacks, a simple gift of feminism that was torn away from her body before her own birth. Consumed in a rather plain and dusty ebony, this shade of the starless night also happens to fall from her maternal side though it is the closest shade to "normal beauty" that she holds. Coloration-wise, the most hideous tone dares print itself upon her fine ragged fur. Of all the six main shades bored upon her mother's coat, a dull and lifeless green had to unwillingly inherited by her spawn. It is indeed highly noticeable, spreading over her underside, back, broad chest, mane and rising up to cover her chin, snout and cheeks before fluidly halting at eye-level, leaving a strip of black running down the bridge of her nose. Like a foreign dark slime, it swallows her tail tip, paws, ankles and ear tips.

How ironic it is to discover the shade of her optics to be a pale red, almost blood pink if gazed into under certain lighting. An unnatural colour it is, but at this point we've all given up on realistic palettes in comparison to her fur. Intimidating and daunting those who glimpse at it, the tone itself is rather luminous and piercing. Those glaring are likely to fall under the impression of what demeanour the female beholds, as red suits her mood oh so flawlessly.

A depiction of brutal strength is what the child will develop to be, with every twisted and infamous experience influencing the innocent mind to become what is destined. Structure and thew are all that matter, and it seems the elegant artistry that she is deprived of has been exchanged for masculinity in its wake, a process that the child would never dare to consider reversing. Beneath the abnormal tattered strands of a pelt lies a rippling layer of sturdy and enlarged muscle, tightly wrapped around elongated limbs. In size, she dominates most of her species, falling above the large spectrum with forty-one inches in height, towering over her own mother. Her musculature, covered with an abundant coating of fat yet not overly thick enough to create an overweight physique, is what contributes to her beastly weight of two-hundred and ten pounds at her healthiest peak. A colossal of a woman; the reflection of solidity and vigour.

Alignment:: Chaotic Neutral

I don't care what you think as long as it's about me
All in all, the child couldn't care less about her appearance other than remaining in top physical condition. Apathetically unswayed by other opinions, regardless of them being positive or negative, nothing gets to her mind personally. Words are interpreted meaninglessly, thus creating a rather cold and emotionless side to her personality. Even orders, instructions and rules she will tend to break with an unwavering courage to ignore the consequences of such actions.

One two three; eyes on me
Attention - it's what the child craves and has done so since an early age. She's big and green, therefore she must be the star of the show. All eyes must be on her form when she prances in. When she's not immaturely pouting or shunning a cold shoulder (which is usually a result of being ignored), she makes an utter nuisance of herself by clinging onto others, especially family, and demanding to be noticed.

Back when I was unafraid just like a thief
A fearless daredevil she is with a natural curiosity that develops ever since learning how to walk. After her first glimpse of the world outside her den, she discovers a whole new vast and endless-seeming terrain for her paws to cover every inch. When feeling bored at home, a feeling she passionately loathes, she always heads out for exploration, regardless of the rules that allow her or not. With a love for excitement and adventure, causing mayhem and mischief is what the troublesome girl will always take pride in stirring. Trickery and thievery runs through her veins, no matter how many stern and solemn talks she receives as an aftermath of her actions.

Gotta be mean, gotta be green
Despite frequently desiring attention from others, she is actually a rather independent female. As a result of the many explorations she has embarked on as a child and the dangerous situations she's been through, she has accumulated quite a wide general knowledge and understanding of the wild world around her. If she were to be picked up and dropped in a random region far from her family, she would know how to survive and perhaps even find her own way back. Depending on her rapidly-changing mood, she's able to master skills without the help of others and use her own initiative to aid those in need.

Gotta be hurtful, gotta be purple
Just like how she blocks herself away from other opinions and thinks nothing of them, she also doesn't think about what leaves her own mouth. Sometimes she can overly brash, verbalising whatever forms in her mind without considering the emotions of others. It's usually not the truth that she accidentally speaks, however, not so soft upon those whom she communicates to. On other occasions she will freely state her own reckless opinion, regardless of its impact. From a young age, she won't be afraid to cuss throughout her tantrums or simply to look "cool" around others. When she does hurt the feelings of others, she will gradually come to realise her mistake and feel remorse over her action but will always struggle to apologise. She will try to cut her way out of saying it, or even making the situation worse by doing so. Saying sorry makes her feel weak - the last possible thing she wants to be.

Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground
Whining and shunning are far from being her best attacks - they're only her warm-ups. Prone to tantrums and easily losing her temper, she's just waiting to be ignited. Embracing her uncontrollable anger and rage, she always lets out her fury upon the innocent individuals surrounding her, regardless of them being the cause of the original problem or even loved family. Becoming a chaotic soul by means of releasing her wrath in violence, she is a potential weapon; a danger to everyone around her. Loaded and ready to go, she could go off at any moment.

How can we not talk about family when family's all that we got?
Deep down, somewhere inside, she feels a close bond to her family. It's unexplainable how she's able to feel attached to them; perhaps it's love and she doesn't want to admit it. Sure, sometimes they'll make her so mad that she'll storm out and have a hissy fit, but spending such an amount of time with them just brings her closer to them. As she grows older, that love will turn into a protective spirit as she will be always looking out for her family's safety. To great lengths she would go to keep them out of harm's way; no-one can hurt her family or they're messing with the big, green thing.

Roleplay Sample::

[set when she's one season old, and where she has two other siblings]

Slumbering soundly in a tight black and green ball, she rolled over in her sleep only to spring up to her paws a moment after her torso made contact with the firm soil. With quick and rasped breaths, the child was still recovering from the shock, the exhaustion of abruptly halted sleep far from affecting her scared mentality. On many nights she had turned her hefty body over to rest her shoulder upon her brother's flank, comforted by his presence and warmth. This time, the first scenario of all her short life, he wasn't there, thus making her flop into thin air. In fact, they were all gone; Mama and her sister. Her mind switched to her protective mode as she narrowed her eyes at the den's empty floor. Something had happened to them, and she wouldn't rest until she got to the bottom of it. Outstretching a paw, she pressed her pads onto the exact area her brother always slept upon. Cold; they must have been pup-napped a while ago. Unless...

A head poked out of the den's entrance, hissing at the vivid midday sunshine with tiny teeth bared. Pale scarlet gaze swivelled across to her left to find her siblings boisterously playing beside their crouched mother, only a few metres away from the den. Her colourful siblings were busy play-fighting, chasing each other and batting all sorts of intriguing natural objects. Somewhere deep inside, she felt a pang of jealously at the sight. They had left her out, abandoned her, not even bothered to ask her if she wanted to join in. Of course she wanted to play; what pup didn't? Worst of all, her mother had promised that she would spend more time with her, but what was she doing? Giving all of her attention to her stupid siblings! That was all it took to tick the girl off, and in no time she was storming towards her family.

"Mum!" a droned whine cascaded from her throat as she stood in front of the tall woman, attempting to shove her smaller brother aside (which made her feel rather superior to have a size advantage) and stamping her feet. Nothing but pure rage and fury were twisted across her complexion with her jaws forming a snapping snarl. Hackles bristled as her chin lifted to meet her mother's beady stare, unafraid of the consequences yet to come. "You said you'd play with me today! Not them!" she venomously spat, sending curt glares at the pups who her mother obviously preferred. How dare she! "You lied to me!"

[app completed]