
You Were My Conscience...


04-06-2013, 10:23 AM

He would be getting it later, Sperare always warned him of the dangers of just strolling up to a wolf. Most of them were vicious, out to hurt you, yeah there were some who were actually nice and would help but those were rare. Luckily for Iniko these wolves were one of those nice ones, how could she tell? Easy, they didn't attack him. They had the chance and instead of ending his life they spared it, seemed to offer some of their kill. That was very grateful for that, if she had lost her only son after just losing her daughter, she would have been devastated.

The female had greeted her and the small shewolf would have to but the larger male caused her to raise her head, blue eyes locking onto him, a new look washing over her face as if she had seen a ghost. That huge wolf, the one from the lands she had escaped. There was no mistaking him, those markings on his body. Immediately her gaze fell upon the small female beside him, a look of worry and anger in her eyes. So, you found a new victim. What, did you run off to start your own disgusting pack?! She snapped, a growl rumbling from the back of her throat as she glared up at the male. She had tried to run from that, tried to block the memories but the longer she stared at him the more they came back. The males, beating on the females and impregnating them. Being traded like objects. Yes he had stopped Crohn a few times but that was only when he felt like it, he didn't do it because he cared. She had to admit though, she was grateful for him those few times. If Crohn had continued on, she probably would have been killed back there...

ooc: Sorry for the shortness, but there isn't much she can do. lol