
Blood On The Breeze



1 Year
Dire wolf
07-09-2015, 07:11 PM

Click, click, click... the sound of ebony claws clicking against the cold stone of the ruins echoed in the darkening light of dusk. The earth toned beast just wandered out from his make shift den for the day and was out, stretching his feet and getting ready to hunt. Once again, he was hungry. Most likely it had nothing to do with really being hungry, that his body needed the abstinence - but more so, he was a glutenous monster that could never be satisfied unless bloated. Heavy paws thudded against the rock as he tried to pick out some kind of scent in the air for something... or someone.

He was bored lately, meaning, he was yearning for something interesting to happen. For someone to come along and make his day, or night in this setting. As the sun began to set, the bright oranges from the skies lit his eyes in a fiery magma in the darkness shrouded by trees, his brown coat into shimmering copper like tones upon his back. A few bats flew over head, their quickly flapping wings almost impossible to see.

Leaping up onto a few fallen rocks, the brute scanned the area around with a bored expression painted across his darkened face. He already picked up the scent of someone around, his eyes and ears were attentive at this point to catch sight or sound of them as soon as possible. Mouth watering out of anticipation... they were close... and soon would come into sight. It was only a matter of time now.

—  vengeance
image and code by noki, do not use without permission

This character is prone to violence, picking fights, and cannibalism. You have been warned.