



10 Years
Extra large
07-09-2015, 07:38 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2015, 07:40 PM by Áki.)
He hadn't meant to offend her, but he was too stubborn to contain even the most minor of annoyances. Though he could be polite at times, hit was not unlike him to be uncouth when offended or irritated. And yet this irritation was minor, though one he had dealt with many times before.

The weirdness of her reaction seemed to dull slightly when she noted they were cool. "Are they?" he'd retort, a slight grin tugging at the corner of his lip, only further revealing the tusks that protruded from his jaw. They weren't exactly useful; the questions and curious stares he received over them certainly outweighed their usefulness. But were they a blessing? He liked to think so. "I like to think they were given to me by my gods," the brute would explain lightly, shrugging his wide shoulders slowly. As far as he was concerned, his gods were the only gods, but he knew that beliefs could differ.. and he had no interest in trying to convince anyone otherwise unless they asked. "And, I like to consider myself part reindeer, though I'm sure my sisters would argue I am much more pig than reindeer." A soft, amused snort would leave his snout at the thought of those two.

"It is not touchy," he said finally. "I am just tired of speaking of it. It is like me asking you about your tail," came his simple explanation, but his tone had lightened considerably. Standing it, however, was no problem to him. "It is easy to not stand out when you are a rogue, as I am," he explained with a soft chuckle. Perhaps amongst a large group he might stand out, but when the most frequent company he had was his own, it was easy to feel as normal as anyone else. "Though it is nothing to envy. If anything, it makes cleaning certain areas much more difficult..." Another pleasant laugh would leave his lips. His eyes, now fully adjusted to the darkness, could now examine her more fully. Though she was perhaps plain in comparison to himself, she was quite lovely, and his eyes would shine with interest as he took her appearance in. "There is no point to envy. What more could a lady like yourself want?" Slowly he would lower himself to his hindquarters a bit closer to her, resting against the cool stone wall, marveling in the way his sound bounced from one cavern wall to the next.

table by argent/neffs