



2 Years
07-09-2015, 07:59 PM
The way he spoke and his new air made her believe that all was good now, that she no longer was poking at a sore bruise with a stick - but instead, it was a light conversation, almost pleasant again. Uncomfortable maybe, just because she couldn't help but want to talk about them... but it didn't matter all that much to her to be honest. In fact, Reiko understood that somethings, people just don't want to talk about them. "They are!" She nodded.

Her eyes sparkled with wonder as he continued to speak about Gods and being part deer. Of course she wasn't all that naive to believe he truly was in genetic code, but it was still quite an interesting thought, a belief even that maybe one was more than just wolf. Immediately she wondered if she could be part dove or something... but the lack of wings would make that a terrible lie. "I believe you could be part deer, there is no proof otherwise." But even being part pig would be pretty cool to her, she always thought they were a little cute in their own way, especially the young ones. Their tails were adorable, all curly and cork screw like.

"Uh, hm?" She blinked a couple times, surprised, straightening herself off to look at her tail for a moment, smiled and giggled once more. "But why would you want to do that? You also have a tail." She smiled a silly grin. Now if she was a bit more interesting, he could pick something out on her to talk about, but so far, everything she had, he did too... except for the certain organs that separated their sexes. But that would be just... a strange conversation to have.

The thought of cleaning herself with tusks did make her cringe just a little; but then again, if you had it since birth, one would find a way around it and think nothing of it. Cleaning as a pup was always awkward at first anyways. "I imagine it would be. But perhaps useful in a fight? I wouldn't really know though... but they do look pretty fantastic aesthetically at least." But she had to agree, it would be more difficult if something was protruding out from your mouth.

"Uhm... maybe wings? Or, or maybe stripes, or beautiful rainbow of color that stands out like a peacock. Anything distinguishing would be nice. I mean, my whole family and I all look alike - and how many white wolves with blue eyes have you seen? I bet many."
