
Rolling on a river



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
07-09-2015, 08:30 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2015, 08:32 PM by Cascade.)
She'd been content to stalk the young boy mischievously for the day. He might have reached his third season and her boys had been out adventuring long before then, but Esti also seemed a bit of a helicopter mama (not that she'd know that term, mind you) so for the sake of saving him from the Wrath of Mama she followed him to make sure he didn't get into trouble. That was part of her job, wasn't it? Making sure that all Valen's kids were safe and sound? She didn't want to ruin his fun though or make him feel less independent, so she stalked quietly. Eventually she'd have her fun and jump out of some dark forest to tackle him under the guise of "training". Now though, something had caught his attention that was... maybe a bit beyond the scope of a not-quite-yearling's fun. A visiting alpha, by the scent, and the woman's reply to his chattering confirmed it. Still, she was curious about how the young squirt would handle himself and held back. Well, held back until he called the clearly pregnant alpha fat. She winced despite the way the alpha handled it, and quickly leaped into action and marched out as though answering the female's call, miming surprise at seeing Ashmedai.

"Ah, Ash! I see you've come to greet our visitors too! I'm sure your dad will be very proud of you taking the initiative. Son of an alpha's gotta learn to be an alpha himself someday, doesn't he?" she chattered, and came to a stop next to the taller boy. She studied the strangers before her, the pregnant alpha a reddish brown with white spot and the other she assumed to be a body guard an unusually striped and orange marked grey female easily Angelus' size. It was easy enough not to be intimidated by the size when every day Cas was surrounded by family members nearly this female's size, and she was able to smile blithely at them while passing an evaluating gaze over them both.

"Cascade Saxe," she continued smoothly. "I am the et uxor here - I suppose the closest translation would be wife to the alpha, but I'm no alphess and not really a wife either, so there goes that explanation. What can I do for you, Arian?"
Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

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