
If I ruled the world



10 Years
Extra large
07-09-2015, 08:52 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2015, 08:52 PM by Áki.)
There was obvious interest in his eye, though it was rare to find a lack of curiosity in his stare. This stranger, while close to the same height, was much leaner in comparison to his own rather bulky build. When the other man's gaze met his own, his tusked skull would rise and dip again in a nod of greeting. He was quite the looker - with an air of importance that caught his interest - and he would take a few calculated steps closer. "Greetings, he spoke with a heavy northern accent, always audible despite his master of the language of these lands. There was a laziness to his gait as one paw moved in front of the other, sliding toward Valentine without much hurry and only the faintest hint of caution. The air smelt of fresh budding flowers and prey filled the air and he would inhale eagerly, feeling refreshed from the arrival of spring.

"The birds sing loudly today," he commented, his head lifting as he inhaled another breath of air, tasting Valentine's scent and storing it to memory. "It is a nice day, no?" There was no hint of the stranger's intentions - for all he knew, he was prowling the forest for a helpless child to prey upon, or maybe he was simply going for a walk - and he was happy to try to find out. "My name is Áki, by the way."

table by argent/neffs