
i've been changing



5 Years
07-09-2015, 10:12 PM

Laoch chuckled softly when she carefully pronounced his name, knowing very well that it was an odd sounding name. "I'm named after the man that adopted my father when he was a pup," he explained quickly, feeling the need to account for the strange name. "The land they were from spoke Irish mostly so my name is derived from that." He smiled a little, secretly proud of the heritage his name had. He remembered when his father sat him down one day not long after they moved away from Alacritis to tell him all about his heritage with his name being that of his adopted grandfather and his looks almost mirroring his grandfather to a T.

He laughed when she said he made her feel old with his manners. "Oh dear, I certainly didn't mean to make you feel old! My parents always told me to speak kindly and I certainly didn't mean to offend you in any way. But I'll stick to just Phim for you." He smiled, his tail waving happily behind him. For a moment he could almost completely forget about his heartache. He knew he would eventually seek out Arda to tell her about father's passing, but he just wanted to enjoy talking to Phim for a moment.

She explained why she was out and and about so late and he was only mildly surprised in the similarities in their answers. "For a very similar reason actually. I'm passing through here on my way to find my sibling and I couldn't sleep when I tried to stop for the night. Too much on my mind I guess." He smiled a little, pushing the bothersome thoughts away again. He focused on her vibrant eyes and pretty face instead, trying to ignore the butterfly flutters in his stomach when he did. "Would you like to take a walk with me, Phim?" he offered motioning with his head toward the forest away from the ravine he had almost fallen in.

"Talk" "You" Think