
Is It Fate? [Deimos]


07-10-2015, 04:08 PM

Lyre minced her way across the mostly barren plain, strewn with the odd moss-laden boulder. It was a depressingly boring landscape, and yet the signs of a pack were everywhere. No one came out to greet (or attack) her though, and the scents were stale. Her curiosity was running hot in her bloodstream, and she'd been spending the better part of her day trying to figure out what had driven them off. War? Plague? Probably just politics, which was so boring she decided she'd rather not know. Pack dynamics weren't exactly something she dealt well with and, like most nomads, authority figures had a bad habit of ticking her off. If she'd been in this pack, had been told to up and move, she'd have told her leader to shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

The girl found an abandoned den dug out beneath a massive rock, spent a moment sniffing at it's entrance, before deciding to mount the boulder instead. From it's peak she could oversee the surrounding landscape for miles in any direction. The view choked up her throat, even if it could be called bland compared to the sweeping peaks and valleys she'd wandered across. Still, something about the pervading calm of it all swept her away and she sat with a quiet expression on her face, watching from her perch as the sun began to set.

"Talk" "You" Think