
La La Latch


07-10-2015, 06:28 PM

Time stood still for an undetermined amount of time until Myth finally spoke, confirming her assumption. It took everything Lore had not to fall over from shock. She watched her birth mother for a moment, watching her glance up at her and then back down at the ground. "I never thought I'd actually find you," she said softly, trying to find words to express how she was feeling right now. She wasn't angry, she wasn't upset, but she wasn't entirely happy either. She was just... shocked and confused. "After Momma told me about... about you, I came to Alacritis looking for you, but months and months went by I hadn't found any clues and now... Now here you are. I had given up completely almost and now here you are."

Silence fell over her again for a few moments and the longer she thought the only thing she could think of was, "Why?" Her thoughts came out into the open and she made her gaze meet the mirrored gold and blue in front of her. "Why did you... Why did you leave? Momma told me she wasn't my real mother and told me not to be mad at you, but she couldn't tell me why. I just... I don't understand." She was trying so hard to keep her emotions in check, but it was so hard. It felt like this was such a long time in the making and now she wasn't entirely sure if this whole mission had ever been a good idea in the first place.

"Talk" "You" Think