
Trust me, I can take you there


07-10-2015, 06:40 PM

He seemed to have hit the nail on the head when he asked her the odd question, he'd watch as her ears fell and her expression changed swiftly. He'd smile darkly as he touched her softly, she hadn't pulled away from him at all. He was impressed, if he coudln't see when someone was about to touch him he usually jumped a little. (Not that there were many thing brave enough to come up and just touch him while he wasn't looking.) Her words were brutally honest as she answered him, though not as specific to their situation as he'd hoped. He wasn't sure what she thought of him so far, but she hadn't run off to the pack lands behind her yet.

He'd step ever closer, finding she had willingly answered him that much. Would she elaborate as he drew more near? "Do I make you nervous?" He'd breath into her ear as he aimed to just barely brush his shoulder against her own. He'd long crossed the threshold of being polite, and would take a chance at nibbling softly at the same delicate ear he'd questioned.