
Trust me, I can take you there



9 Years
Athena I
07-10-2015, 10:32 PM

Kalliope couldn't exactly say she was surprised by his answer. With the exception of the wolves in her pack, every male she had been in contact with since coming to Alacritis had been on the same wavelength, though with different approaches obviously. It made her wonder what she looked like physically. Her father had told her plenty of times how pretty she was of course, like any good father would to help boost his daughter's confidence, but she had always taken it with a grain of salt since he was her father and it was his job to tell her nice things. She guessed she must be at least a little attractive. Or maybe she had only managed to bump into the most forward males Alacritis had to offer. She wasn't sure which was true.

He pushed his chest into her and for the first time her paws would shift back a step. It was barely even a whole step, not even enough to completely remove his form from touching hers, but it was enough for her to think clearly for a moment. His fur mingling with hers was both intoxicating and terrifying all at once. She wasn't entirely sure she had a say in his wanting. After all he could easily rip her to pieces if he really wanted to. He towered over her and it wasn't like she had any real training in fighting. Sure, she had worked on a few very basic things with Frith, but that would keep her safe for all of a minute. She could try to run, but knowing her luck she would turn around and run head first into a tree.

Deciding to ignore those thoughts and focus on the feelings that had made his touch so intoxicating instead, she retook that half step back toward him so that she felt his chest pressed to her again. This was probably not the wisest decision, but what did she really have to lose? "Have me then," she told him, her voice hushed and a tad breathless from a mix of nervousness and a strange thrill she wasn't familiar with. In the back of her mind her fight or flight response was still screaming to get out of there or bite him or something, but she reigned that in and instead searched for his massive shoulder with her muzzle. If he let her she would brush her cheek against his shoulder to remind herself that even if he was huge and mysterious he was still a wolf just like her. Remembering that eased her fears a bit, but she was still anxious as she waited for his response.

"Talk" "You" Think