
Watch Your Step



04-06-2013, 02:53 PM

This wolf, as she lay there watching him, she realized he was much older than her. More than double her age, scarred up and blind in one eye from the looks of it. Why was he, a warrior with experience, being so nice and calm with a small, fragile wolf like her? They were complete strangers. He could easily kill her, even with his age. But, he was choosing not to. Was he just seeking companionship? Looking for somebody to spend some time with after being alone for years? Was he even a loner, and for how long? She shook her head lightly at these thoughts, why should she care, she probably wouldn't even see him against after this encounter.

The older wolf's name was Derek, and since laying down all he did was smile at her. Loccian wasn't sure whether this was creepy or not, not really knowing this wolf but for now she would take it as a good thing since he had not attacked her... yet. Its nice to meet you Loccian, Beautiful name by the way. If it was visible, Derek would have seen a blush cross her cheeks as she smiled, pulling her head away and looking down at the floor of the cave. Th-thank you. Before she could really do anything she suddenly felt his neck against her, causing the shewolf to flinch, his paw going over her face.

Panic instantly washed over her at his touch, though it as in a friendly manner, it still caused memories of her past to pop up. Those blows, the fangs, the claws digging into her flesh. Her body turned away from the male quickly, curling up into a ball, covering her head with her small paws, a low whining slipping from between her lips. Pl-please, I didn't do anything. She quickly whined, her body starting to tremble more from a mix of the cold rain still on her body and the memories that came flooding back. The memories of the times she was beaten.
