
The important things in life

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-10-2015, 11:10 PM

The walk was an easy one, and with the deep shadows of night Shaye wouldn't really see all that much more then Vail anyway. Perhaps it helped with how often she traversed this land, that all of it was as familiar to her as Motif's face in her heart. She didn't even realize she had gotten a couple steps ahead of Vail until she cried out and landed in the earth. Tears would immediately start to fall, and the older girl would give an exaggerated sigh. She had this idea in her head that Vail would learn to see other ways, by the sound her paws made on the earth, the echos in the land around her would tell her how step it was, sounds and scents and touch. Maybe it would be like that for her one day, but clearly it was too early.

Instead, the pair of them would be landed with a big delay as Shaye back tracked and dug patience out of somewhere. Rhythm after all had always had patience for her, no matter what or when or why, her Aunty had never raised her voice, never gotten exasperated, never once in her entire life given Shaye any reason not to think she was perfect. It was from that well of memories that Shaye drew her own patience, wanting nothing more in her entire life then the want to be just like Rhythm. “Its just a little red, its not even sprained or anything, give it a second, flex it and say 'One, two, it's not you! Three, four, that tells me what i'm good for!' she said, giggling at the little rhyme, ”that means that nothing can stop if you put your mind to it” Shaye leaned down and kissed the paw. “See, its all better now right?” she asked.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.