
A Divorce Party



7 Years
07-11-2015, 01:46 AM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2015, 01:58 AM by Nako.)
She always approached strangers that way. Nako supposed it was to take the edge off of suddenly appearing out of nowhere, why not skip along with bursting forth into view. "And now that we've given our names we are no longer strangers. It is nice to meet you Renhett." Nako closed his eyes and gave a slight bow. He liked her. A certain youthful fluidity in the beginning of their conversation to distract him from his shoreside foraging. An offer of company. "No, I wouldn't mind company Renhett, or entertainment," Nako stood with a shake of his pelt, reflecting on her want of entertainment. "and I shall also tell." The grey male began to walk along the shore, mind going back to a moment in his youth he didn't particularly have fond memories of. Being wrenched from his mother and carved upon with an antler, the mark on his shoulder representing the remnants of an old wolfs attachment to a past way of life far to the north in the ash lands.

"My scar and feathers," Nako started. "Both on the same day when I was young. It had been quick, the rending of my flesh by my father. I don't really remember it. The feathers were what woke me. I think, my father jabbing them into my mane with a twist of his tongue." His mind came back into the now, the glazed over look disappearing from his eyes. "And that's it." He looked down at the she wolf next to him. "Right of passage or something..." He trailed off, muzzle dipping down right next to her cheek to take in her scent. "What about you? Any interesting doings or didings you have planned and want to share?" Didings. Heh. Made up word.