
We stand alone, united



5 Years
07-11-2015, 02:51 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Voltage leaving the pack so soon after she had arrived had been something of a disappointment for the hunter. Of Glacier's siblings, he was easily the one that she knew and trusted the most, and to have him gone left her feeling just that much more overwhelmed within the sea of new faces in Donostrea. Of course, she was apart of them now, a fact which she was constantly reminding herself of, and she was trying to act it by not shrinking away from all these numerous siblings that the two leading brothers had, but it was still beneath it all intimidating.

Hearing the call from the missing brother brought an immediate grin to her face, the tone of the call entirely lost to her, and just as excitedly as the rest of his family Anais traveled through the pack lands and toward him, arriving when already some of his family had begun to gather around him. Almost immediately she noticed the overall air of unease, the sense of it stealing away her smile as she struggled to comprehend why the mood was not celebratory. She spotted her sister - the brave thing, she was already there! - and though she continued to throw nervous, concerned glances at Glacier and Voltage she approached Lior instead, moving in to stand beside her and letting her shoulder brush against the younger girl's in the process.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.