
strength in numbers



10 Years
07-11-2015, 09:52 PM (This post was last modified: 07-11-2015, 09:53 PM by Kaprasíus.)

Now that things had settled down in Yfir, there was one thing nagging at the back of Kapra's mind.

He barely knew his nephew.

It seemed he was closer to Katja than himself, which was both understandable and entirely excusable. And while he was rarely a creature to dwell on the past, and certainly not prone to regret, he really wished he had gotten to know Laufey sooner. He was the only one left here, besides Katja, that was his flesh and blood. Not just that - but he was Jaeger's child. The brother he had loved more fiercely than he had admitted to anyone, a secret known only to the gods and himself, and very likely a secret he would take to his grave.

And despite this, there was so much that Laufey did not know. Did his nephew wonder about his father, and the kind of man that he was? Did he care at all? He was so different from Katja and even from himself. Curious, Kaprasíus would wander through the tall redwood trees, his lanky form moving quietly as he trailed after Laufey's scent. Only when his nephew appeared in the distance would he lift his head, tail waving in a pleased motion behind him.

"Laufey!" he called out, his tones light though his lyrics were far less manic than if he'd come across a stranger. Single working eye would fixate on him as he drew closer. "How is life in Yfir treating you, nephew?"

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.