
Problems - Open



04-06-2013, 04:18 PM
Chrysanthe couldn't believe it herself, it was what had led her here. Mixed with the scents of family that lived within the pack was the scent of one other that belonged but didn't have the sharp distinction that was Valhalla. Female, around her age, pointing out things that she recognized was really a silly thing to do - a habit that she had since taking to patrolling the borders when she was at home. Yet she knew who this was before she even arrived on the scene where the other Adravendis had gathered. "Eos! You're alive!" She spoke the girl's name with enthusiasm - she had thought the other was dead. The beta unknowingly broke a bit of the silence the others seemed to have taken, and she stopped next to Epiphron, staring at their no-longer-lost sister with a small smile on her face.

Eos was alive, and she looked well enough - although she seemed a bit reserved, that could just be her seeing her family for the first time in god knows how many seasons. Too long - it had been too long. Chrysanthe looked over to Erani as she appeared, offering the woman who had practically raised her a wider smile. She looked a bit baffled from what the red faced girl could tell, and she couldn't help the twinge of worry that plagued her as she tried to pin her expression. There was a tremendous amount of pressure present at this reunion - and something seemed unbelievably off about it all... what was wrong? Why wasn't everyone smiling? Where was the happiness? The joy? Yet the train of thought would be broken by Eos's voice, and the yearling's ears perked atop her head in shock. Did she really... really say that she hated Erani? The woman that raised them? That was there when their mother wasn't able to be herself? She held back a growl, waiting for the other to explain herself - only holding her tongue because they had been words not for everyone gathered, but for their father.

And when she did, Chrysanthe held back a sigh, disappointment flashing over her previously angered visage before it was replaced with nothing at all. What was it about their home, their family, that chased some of their siblings off? She blamed her teasing, partially, for Neo's depature - but Eos? She had done nothing, seen nothing of the girl and she was finally here and she hadn't even properly said hello and she was hating Erani or their mother or both and ready to bail on the wolves that loved her most in this world. Optics's gaze fell to the ground, and she let herself lean slightly on Epiphron for a moment. Her sister, her only sister that seemed to be a constant no matter how much time passed or different they became or ranks they were given. It was them against the boys, and their family that had never before seemed so small - against the world.

If Eos didn't want to be here, she could leave. She could leave and take Neo with her because never before had fighting for him to stay seemed like such a lost cause. Nnoitra's words rang in her ears and never before had she wanted to tear into a wolf for no bloody good reason like she did at that moment. The yearling shut her eyes, letting a sigh leave her lips. "Why do things turn out this way, Pip?" She whispered, before looking up at Eos and Cairo, wondering what would happen between the two. What had happened to their sister while she was gone?