
Can I Play With Madness?


07-12-2015, 09:25 AM

There was little doubt in his heart for what he wanted to do. He was seeking the arrival of another wolf, the arrival of someone whom could pose a decent challenge in battle. Hypnos would not be left waiting long, for a brown furred stranger would soon arrive upon the battlefield. Hypnos’ sea green gaze would slide over this stranger, his entire being thoughtful as he examined him. He would shift his body to look at the other male, a smirk crossing onto his face. This could be fun.

“Yeah, that’s right.” Hypnos would rumble. His sea green eyes would shine with mischief, and he would sink immediately into his defenses. The wolf had answered his call and thus answered his challenge.

Ears would sink back against Hypnos' head, eyes narrowed to protect the sensitive organs of sigh. Head would tip forward, aligning with his spine. Chin would tip forward, protection for his throat, and he would scrunch his neck. Shoulders would move to a rolled forward position, stance widened and weight spread evenly among his four legs. Tail would align with his spine as well, a banner behind him as claws bit into the soil. Jaws would part, lips snarling as he moved into his attack.

Hypnos would rush forward, a head on attack seemingly. But then, at the last few moments covering the distance between them, he would shift to his right, the left of his opponent by roughly thirty degrees. Left shoulder aimed to slam into the front of his opponent's own left shoulder in a slam, perhaps to throw him off a bit if Hypnos was lucky. In addition the youth would aim to bit his opponent's side belly on the left side, enough to draw blood and possibly gain a hold. Then, as a last maneuver, he would swing his tail towards the face of his opponent in hopes of smacking him with it to earn an additional distraction.


Art by Tea