
Change in Pace


04-12-2013, 04:59 PM

The female moved with serpentine grace, not a sound to be heard as the svelte female slithered her way though the shadows. Head was carried low, tail licking at her heels as she padded easily along. Her choice of sticking to the shadows made purely on the sweltering heat that came along with the sunlight. It was too much to handle and it wasn't even as hot in the mountains as it was in the rest of that lands. She wasn't built for the summer heat! Gods it was brutal, she needed to find water soon or she felt that she would melt and disappear into the dirt. And that wouldn't be good thing with everything she had planned for this pack and herself. Even now in this time of silent pondering her mind was a whir and was still cranking out ideas and formulating plans even as her conscious mind focused on getting herself to some water. That delicious, cool, life giving liquid that was almost making her drool just thinking about it. They couldn't have that, it was far from lady like after all.

The creek that her paws led her to was a slow moving on, meandering its way through the mountains and though it was wide it was not terribly deep anywhere she could see. Head was swiftly shaken, dismissing the torrent of thoughts and allowing herself to focus on her most basic, animalistic needs that currently happened to be water. A lazy smile traced it's way across her lips as delicate paws were placed one in front of the other to guide her to her goal. It was clean, clean and crisp. The sharpness of it hitting her as she lowered her maw to drink and found it to be so cold that he teeth began to ache. But stills she gulped it down, letting the freezing sensation coat her entire throat and fill her belly. Soon it felt like she was sitting at the base of Clouded Pass with her brother all over again, huddling together for warmth in the colder winter days. It was a perfect, refreshing drink. It helped bring her core body temperature down in a way that made her actually enjoy the warmth of the sun.

She sat slowly, haunches lowering to the ground as tail flipped to the side and out of the way. Eyes closed and face tipped back to feel the sun warm her red coat. But what was this? A slow drip drip drip caught her attention and ear flipped towards the sound. There was something or someone in the water. Eyes opened and followed the way her ear had turned towards the sound. A female was about half way across the river heading towards Vi's side but had stopped to gaze upon her own reflection. Head tilted slowly, curiously as her expression was viewed. She didn't seemed to be looking at herself in an appreciative or vain matter but more with a 'who is that?' look. Vi lifted herself from her seat easily and moved downstream more towards the female. She was quiet, careful not to disturb her even as she gazed at herself. Not one to get wet and risk looking like a drowned rat, Vi seated herself adjacent to the female while staying on the bank so that they were facing each other. "Like what you see?"
The words fell from her lips in an easy purr as her usual sly smile slid across her lips.
